Our Impact 

 We increase the capacity to care for people and create positive changes for our county's residents through funding local agencies and by working in community partnerships. 

Now more than ever, communities need help. They need hope. United Way surrounds a community’s most critical problems—and we fight.

Our Partner Agencies

Partner Agency Application

List of Services

Collective Impact Initiative

Collective impact brings people together in a structured way to achieve social change.

In the collective impact model, it is vital to have

"the commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem."-Kania, J., & Kramer, M. (2011). Collective Impact. Stanford Social Innovation Review

We need the help from community leaders in all sectors and community members with lived experience to move this work foward. 

Participate in one of our three levels.

Represent your organization or community to ensure change is both accurate and long lasting. 

Core Partners

  • Organization representative will attend regularly scheduled meetings (bi-weekly or monthly depending upon action team)  to decide on key vision and strategy
  • This individual must be capable of making decisions for their organization or be capable of being the liaison between the action team and the organizational decision maker in a timely manner to create a streamlined process for implementation of action items
  • Share responsibility on action items to achieve goals
  • Have access to all shared collaboration documents
  • Will be included as partners in any funding proposals to:

Support the personnel hours they dedicate to action team meetings and collaboration

Receive funds for their organization to provide programs or services agreed upon by the group 

Community Partners

  • Support individual programs or services when possible
  • Have access to shared collaboration documents related to the programs they support
  • May be included as partners in funding proposals if applicable:

Receive funds for their organization to provide programs or services (i.e. hosting an event, coordinating volunteers, providing interpretation/translation services)

  • Invited to attend occasional large group meetings to provide input and receive updates

E-List Partners

  • Stay up to date on activities related to the action team’s work and help spread the word
  • Included on a shared email list with key updates sent out regularly with current events and resources
  • Invited to attend occasional large group meetings to provide input and receive updates

Apply for a small grant through our Action Teams

Small grants of up to $5,000 avaialble to eligable local nonprofits whose work will further the mission of either of our Action Teams. 

Food Action Team Mission:

All people in Morgan County have access to food which includes nutritious and culturally relevant foods.

Housing Action Team Mission:

All people in Morgan County have access to safe and stable housing. 

Eligible organizations include organizations that are exempt from federal income tax under 501(c)(3) 

Organizations must be providing services to Morgan County specifically

The request must align with United Way of Morgan County’s overall mission (“We seek to increase the capacity to care for people and create positive changes for our county's residents through funding local agencies and by working in community partnerships”) AND fall under one of our three impact areas (Health, Education, Financial Stability). 

Want to get involved? 

Sign up to serve on our action teams to make sure your voice is heard.

action Team Sign Up

Morgan County COVID Response Fund


Raised for Morgan County Nonprofits

Over 8

Local organizations



Community members helped

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